CAUTION: Griping mom ahead!!
While most of Florida, especially kids & teachers who were supposed to start school today, are rejoicing in an unexpected day off, my heart goes out to parents everywhere who fully expected their little darlings to be off to school and constructively occupied today. Double-sucks because it's NOT EVEN RAINING and the least that could happen if you're going to close school because of a storm is a little rain. Not that I'm wishing a hurricane on anyone, but I think it was pretty obvious by around 9 last night that we were in no danger here. I think they jumped the gun a bit by deciding to close everything down yesterday afternoon.
So, lucky us. No storm damage and another day of "summer vacation." But I'm plumb out of good ideas. My mommy-battery definitely needs a recharge because I can't seem to think of any good activities to entertain them, I'm short-tempered, I'm a bit apathetic about housework, cooking, etc, and I really don't want to play with beads, the pizza game, blocks, Little People(TM), and I really, really, REALLY don't want to haul the paint out. Esp. since A tends to paint about 3 little dabs on the paper, gets the rest all over himself and then declares he's "done."
Here's what I'm going to do: let the kids eat breakfast in their pjs, reassure D that there WILL be school tomorrow and that she is STILL in first grade, let them watch PBS for a while, get them dressed, yell at them for bickering, put someone in time out, be amazed that I still have " storm preparations" that I didn't get to, fold laundry, plunge a toilet, clean up breakfast, turn on the emergency TIVOd episodes of SuperWhy and Hi-5, reluctantly play school, read some stories, yell some more, make endless snacks and meals and refill water cups all day long.
Day off? Not really.