Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tasty treats!

Want to enter a blogger giveaway for some tasty treats from Blackberry Farm? Head over to Spice & Sass!

We're off to the Saturday Morning Market early this morning - trying to beat the rain. Stay tuned next week for fun posts as we gear up for the Great Brownie Camping Trip (the one where me & my brave co-leader attempt to take 12 rowdy little 2nd graders camping, most for the first time.)

Have I mentioned I'm more of a Four Seasons kind of girl?

That said, I think it will be fun and I do love gearing up for events like these. I found awesome sleeping bags for Dags & I and these cute little mess kits at Target. Until two days ago I didn't even know what a "mess kit with dunk bag" was! I also got a little LED leopard-print book light, my current Book Club book, and a really pretty leaf-green fleece. I'm also considering some dry shampoo since this campout does not feature shower facilities and everyone who's ever seen me in the morning knows I have to shampoo every day. My hair does not wear well otherwise. But I've also heard funky things about dry shampoos and darker hair - you can get a dandruffy effect. Option 2: The Hat. Oh well, it's all about the girls, not me!

1 comment:

Scarlet O'Kara said...

Just had to comment about your upcoming Girl Scout camping trip...

Good Luck. I am a co-leader to a 2nd year Daisy troop with 15 1st graders. We are talking about taking our girls for their first camping trip later this year...and like you, I am not the tent camping type. Give me a nice cabin in the woods with a fireplace, electricity, fully stocked kitchen, and lots of hot running water!

Good Luck!